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Tips for Transitioning to Organic Gardening

Tips for Transitioning to Organic Gardening

With more people becoming concerned about what they are putting on their lawn or using in their vegetable garden, it’s no wonder the organic gardening market has seen a rise in recent years. Some of you may avoid the change because you fee it will be a big hassle. Following some of these easy tips will help to make the transition from a chemical lawn and garden to an organic one much simpler.

Good soil is of high importance when it comes to gardening. After you have selected your garden site and it has been cleared of grass and weeds, amend the soil with natural vital nutrients. Mix products like bone and blood meal along with organic humus and compost into the soil for a nutrient rich start for your plants. Make sure you rotate crops each season so that the soil is not completely leeched of nutrients.

Natural weed control is a thing and it works. Spreading corn (gluten) meal mixed with Epsom salt on your lawn prior to it greening up will not only feed the lawn, it acts as a pre-emergent for weeds. The CGM stops the weed seeds from germinating, thus giving you a natural weed-n-feed. Use a mixture of white vinegar, dish soap and Epsom salt to create a natural version of Round-Up. Simply spray the weeds directly on the stalk and down to its base along the ground and it will be dead within 24 hours.

Creating a compost pile is a necessity if you plan on growing fruits or veggies. There are compost bins that you can purchase at home improvement stores or you can make your own fairly easily and for a lot less money. Wood shipping pallets nailed together to create a 3-sided box will work nicely. Put some wire along the inside to keep your valuable compost loss to a minimum. The main thing is that you turn the compost heap once a week. This ensures that it is all degrading evenly.

Research beneficial bugs to help with pest control. While there are definitely some insects that can wreak havoc on your lawn or vegetable garden, many bugs are highly beneficial. You can purchase larva or eggs to hatch online that come with instructions. Ladybugs will help you control the aphid population that threatens your rose bushes. Praying mantis eat a variety of insects with no harm done to your plants. Attract bees to your garden to help pollinate your fruits and vegetables by planting flowers within the area.

Organic gardening may take a little more work up front but the reward for a healthy Earth and a healthy body is definitely worth it.