Home Business The Steak Man, Jon Urbana

The Steak Man, Jon Urbana

Jon Urbana

The passion for beef started more than 125 years ago. John Urbana came from a history of farmers and ranchers spanning 6 generations.

KOW Steaks was launched in 2016. Urbana and his cousin built the award-winning company leveraging values from his great grandfather over 100 years ago. Urbana is no stranger to the spotlight, his grandfather made history in the mid-’70s by helping Japan establish its first dairy program. Urbana’s grandfather commissioned several specially outfitted 747’s which transported a small herd of dairy cattle from the United States to Japan.

While in Japan, Urbana’s grandfather was introduced to Wagyu beef. He described it as something he had never tasted before. His curiosity became a passion which later led him to start the first Wagyu beef farm in the United States in a small town in Iowa. That big step paved the way for KOW Steaks as you know it today.

What many consumers do not see is the challenges that come from selling perishable products. Wagyu beef is described as a luxury product. Your typical consumer might treat it as a type of select cut.

“For example, our Tomahawk chop is legendary and one of our most popular items, along with our ribeye, filet and NY strips steaks. But most people don’t realize that a single 1,400 lb. cow only produces about 14 lbs. of tenderloin. There are many other cuts that are just as good and that allow people to experience this incredible beef at a significantly lower price point.”

Urbana also has a “100% no waste” philosophy. KOW uses every part of the cow to create a variety of products, many of which might surprise you.

Their award-winning chef team works up mouth-watering products like Wagyu usage among others. The intensive marbling of their beef offers high-fat content you’d see in porl; but because it’s beef, you don’t have to overcook it.

“Our bone broth and Wagyu jerky are two other very popular new items that are not only delicious but are packed with nutrition. We also sell Wagyu ground beef for the best burger you’ve ever tasted.”

To learn more visit KOWSteaks.com.