Home Health & Wellness What You Need to Know About CBD Oil and Dogs

What You Need to Know About CBD Oil and Dogs

CBD Oil for Dogs

No other health and wellness product in recent memory has seen the soaring popularity that’s come with cannabidiol, or CBD, although herbal alternatives such as kratom do seem to be on the rise. CBD is recommended for everything from seizure disorders to pain management, but CBD products aren’t just for humans anymore. It’s now common to see pet CBD oils and tinctures at pet stores, vet offices, and more, but not many dog owners know what they’re doing when it comes to CBD and Fido. 

Like any other drug, dog owners need to know exactly what they’re doing and what they hope to accomplish when giving CBD to their pets. Here are four great tips for using CBD oil on your dog.  

Figure Out What CBD is First

Several people have read quick snippets from social media and bought CBD products without doing real research on what CBD is. Most people know CBD is associated with cannabis, but that doesn’t paint the entire picture. 

CBD is one of several dozen known cannabinoids found in the cannabis family of plants, particularly the industrial hemp variety of cannabis sativa. Unlike other strains of cannabis, industrial hemp contains very low levels of THC, the cannabinoid associated with ‘being high.’ CBD works with the natural endocannabinoid system found in all mammals to achieve its therapeutic effects. 

Looking to buy CBD oil? Here are some helpful tips to make sure you find the right product for you and your pets.

Choose the Right CBD Products

CBD that’s sourced from industrial hemp and contains less than 0.3 percent THC is federally legal, but the CBD marketplace is severely unregulated. There are no requirements for third-party testing so what the label says is not always what’s inside. It’s recommended to research all products before purchasing including their dosage, percentage of cannabinoids, and percentage of other ingredients. Any reputable CBD product will contain a certificate of analysis that shows third-party testing results on products.

You can leave much of the burden of finding the right product at the door by only purchasing CBD for your dog at a reputable outlet like your local veterinary clinic. There are now several types of CBD oil made directly for dogs, but just because says pet or dog on the label, does not mean it’s a great product – always verify yourself. 

Choosing a Dose 

Because CBD is early in testing, dosage guidelines are varied and questionable. You should speak with your vet about your dog, its weight, and what you’re hoping to accomplish with a CBD oil regimen. Your vet can make recommendations depending on your unique pet and its issues. If you can’t get advice from your vet start with a very low dose. If the dog shows improvement you can increase the dose but always err on the side of low doses. 

How to Give CBD 

CBD oil can be applied topically, added to food or water, or administered directly into your dog’s mouth. Ingesting is the most direct way to administer CBD oil but if your dog doesn’t like it, it’s recommended to add it directly to food. Topical applications can be used for certain applications like stiff muscles or joints. 

Trying CBD for Dogs 

Because dogs have an endocannabinoid system, they can benefit from CBD oil as humans can. Only choose a reputable product, always speak with your vet, and use caution when starting CBD oil for the best outcome for Spot or Rex. 

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